
Welcome to the Bat Cave

Friday, August 27, 2010

Tech Apps

I think this class will be really cool, because we'll get to learn about our Macs. I just hope it doesn't get really boring like most computer classes can be. I like computer... most of the time it can be frustrating when i can't get my computer to work. I also want to learn some computer shortcuts or some other cool stuff that will utilize my time and make homework very efficient for these next four years. I just pretty much want to get good grades in this class and hope that we don't have too much homework. I'm expecting this class to be a lot of fun. 

Thursday, August 26, 2010

2010 Tech. Apps. Class

I think this class will be really cool, because we'll get to learn about our Macs. I just hope it doesn't get really boring like most computer classes can be. I like computer... most of the time I can figure out my computer so that it doesn't become frustrating. I also want to learn some computer shortcuts or some other cool stuff that will utilize my time and make homework very efficient for these next four years