
Welcome to the Bat Cave

Friday, September 24, 2010

1.  What tools and techniques did you use to create your podcast?

I used cool sound effects and jingles. I also messed around with the volume so that you could hear my voice over the sounds in the background. 

2.  How could you use a project like this in other classes?

I could use this project to record notes in other classes or if I have to do another Podcast I can use GarageBand and know how to use it efficiently.

3.  In the “real world”, how could podcast projects be used (In what careers/businesses, etc.)?

Podcast in the real world could be for instructions that you can give to someone even if your not with them. That's what my old teacher used to do so we could hear her teaching even when we were not there.

4.  What part of the assignment was easy for you?   What was difficult?

The sound effects were the easiest part for me. I didn't like the Podcast subject I wish it were something different, because I have lots of favorite movies.

5.  What part of the directions would you like to clarify?

How to add pictures into the Podcast, that was the most confusing thing for me. I wish it had been more clear on instructions.

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